Women Start-up Empowerment Training

In diesem englischsprachigen Format des Pre-Inkubationsformat XPLORE von UnternehmerTUM, Europas führendem Zentrum für Innovation und Gründung, geht es um unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln.

„Unlock your career potential with an entrepreneurial mindset. Explore vital factors for your empowerment: mindset, self-awareness, networking, purpose, vision, strengths, and values. Discover what it means to be entrepreneurial—thinking, doing, and creating impact. Embrace failure, network effectively, and develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Learn essential entrepreneurial skills and characteristics. Break rules, connect, and innovate. Meet pioneering women who’ve redefined entrepreneurship. It’s time to reboot the system. Join the revolution with these inspiring leaders.“

Das Angebot ist kostenfrei, eine Anmeldung aber erforderlich.

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